Morning Star Solutions - Rolodex
NuBus card provides MIDI synth interface and analog audio output.
Identifying Numbers:
MacWaveMaker; MS112 Assy A
Onboard logic:
VLSI 9350AV 331352 VY06118-2 MARGE 660006-01; VLSI 9341AV 322472 VY05980-2 HOMER YCA660005-01; Toshiba TMP68301AF-16; Zilog Z0853006VSC SCC; MicroChip 27C128 -15/L (ROM)
NuBus card provides MIDI synth interface and analog audio output.
Identifying Numbers:
MacWaveMaker; MS112 Assy A
Onboard logic:
VLSI 9350AV 331352 VY06118-2 MARGE 660006-01; VLSI 9341AV 322472 VY05980-2 HOMER YCA660005-01; Toshiba TMP68301AF-16; Zilog Z0853006VSC SCC; MicroChip 27C128 -15/L (ROM)